Friday, October 24, 2008

Navarin of Lamb

Serves: 4


1 ounce (30 g) butter
1 onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
2 sticks celery, chopped
8 ounces (250 g) baby carrots
6 1/2 ounces (200 g) green beans, sliced
1/4 cup all-purpose (plain) flour
2 tablespoons chicken stock powder
8 lamb noisettes (approx. 4 ounces (125 g) each)
1/2 cup water
1 cup red wine
1/2 cup tomato puree
1/2 teaspoon thyme

Microwave Method:

1. Place butter in a large casserole dish. Heat for 1 minute on HIGH.
2. Add onion and garlic, cook for 3-4 minutes on HIGH.
3. Mix flour and stock powder together in a freezer bag, coat lamb.
4. Add meat and remaining flour to casserole dish. Cook for 6-8 minutes on MEDIUM, turning over halfway through cooking.
5. Mix water, wine, tomato puree and thyme. Pour over meat. Cook uncovered for 15-20 minutes on MEDIUM, stir during cooking.
6. Add beans, celery and carrots, cook a further 5-7 minutes on MEDIUM.

Convection Microwave Method:

1. Place half the butter in a small casserole dish. Heat for 30-40 seconds on HIGH.
2. Add onion and garlic, cook for 2-3 minutes on HIGH. Add celery and carrots. Cover and cook for 2 minutes on HIGH, add beans and cook a further 2-3 minutes on HIGH. Put vegetables to one side.
3. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (180 degrees C).
4. Mix flour and stock powder together in a freezer bag, coat lamb.
5. Add meat and remaining flour to a large casserole dish. Cook for 15-18 minutes on HIGH MIX/ROAST.
6. Mix water, wine, tomato puree and thyme. Pour over meat. Cook for 20 minutes on HIGH MIX/ROAST. Add vegetables with 5 minutes remaining.

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